Friday, March 29, 2024

How I Feel About Taking a Decade Off


For some, the year 2014 might conjure up memories of viral challenges or the rise of ride-sharing apps. For me, it marks the year I went silent; a bad case of writer's block slammed the brakes on my writing career.

Ideas, though? I had them. A dozen stories buzzed in my head, notebooks, index cards, digital note pads filled with thoughts that refused to turn into narratives. The frustration was immense. I would struggle, just to produce a paragraph, but produced nothing. So, I gave up. I quit. I never used those words (even to myself), but I wasn’t publishing. It was terrible.

For a decade, I accomplished nothing, as. time passed the nagging sense of "what if" lingered. Then we hit 2024 and it was like a spark has been lit. I have to stop with the mental punishment I put myself through, wondering what the hell happened. Perhaps, I needed the break (for whatever the reason). The important thing is that I have the stories and I’m a killer on the keyboard (my wife tells me I, “type mad”). I’m writing again.

I’m viewing my 70th year this July, but longevity is a gift that runs in my family. There's time, I tell myself, time to spin those thoughts in my head into readable tales (I like that). The key, I believe, lies in organization. As I mentioned, my fingers still fly across the keyboard, and I'm setting a (slightly ambitious?) goal of 5,000 words a week.

This blog serves as a promise not just to me, but to you, the reader. Here, I'll share my ups and downs, the triumphs and tribulations, the characters, and the worlds I will build. This will be a front-row seat to the resurrection of a writer.

Got to stop. I apologize for the ramble. I get into these moods. I need coffee. Come back soon.

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